Green Willow Funerals, South Wales

Funeral fridge

We first met Green Willow around 7 years ago at a tradeshow where they were able to get hands on and see our high quality products and personable service. Ever since we have been providing them with our equipment and welcome their repeat business.

At their Dinas Powys branch we replaced an ineffective and very temperamental cold room chiller with our high quality 3bay fridge.

Our clients cold room chiller kept breaking down, not only stressful, it’s also less than ideal for their staff to work in cold conditions for prolonged periods.

The customer is delighted with their new mortuary fridge, providing significantly greater storage capacity in time for winter pressures. Their embalmer is a relieved man and will no longer have to work in the cold and have much greater space to work in, opposed to working around several trollies/coffins taking up the floor space. Our cabinets are extremely thermally efficient, having a much reduced volume vs cold room, providing greater capacity, this solution will save them significant amounts of money in energy and will pay for itself over it’s life cycle.

Often funeral homes are miss sold cold room plants as a cheap solution. This can cost excessive money to run and can often fail dramatically if the rooms are not correctly protected/insulated, potentially costing many thousands of pounds in repairs when the rooms suffer from interstitial condensation (damp in cavities, rotten timber floor/ceiling joists, mold, crumbling plaster, etc.)

Remote cooling, tall 4 tier storage                                                                                                                                 3bay Small/semi obese & obese storage.

height adj. racking in stainless steel inc. floor.                                            External condenser.                             Large name boards. Door protection.


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