Whether you have Mortuary Solutions equipment or another suppliers, we can offer you a Service and Maintenance plan.We cover all mortuary refrigeration plant, air conditioning, lifting trolleys/equipment and the majority of associated mortuary equipment.
Benefits of PPM (Pre-Planned Preventative maintenance):
- Extended Equipment life
- Fewer Repairs
- Improved Safety
- Compliance with insurance, relevant regulatory requirements including health and safety
- Potential problems are found and corrected before becoming a major expense
- Keep cooling plant at optimum performance and lower your energy bill. – Unmaintained equipment can use significantly more electricity.
- Helps avoid breakdowns and down time, could you cope with out the equipment?
Are you complaint with LOLER and PUWER? Your staff and business may be at risk if you aren’t. Don’t risk your business or user safety, our services with LOLER and PUWER inspections, will not only better protect the users & business, but regular service and maintenance of equipment will keep your business operational and can highlight any potential issues before a possible breakdown and subsequently down time, could you cope?
LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998)
These Regulations place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over lifting equipment. This includes all businesses and organisations whose employees use lifting equipment, whether owned by them or not. In most cases, lifting equipment is also work equipment so the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) will also apply (including inspection and maintenance). All lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent person, appropriately supervised and carried out in a safe manner.
LOLER also requires that all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task, suitably marked and, in many cases, subject to statutory periodic ‘thorough examination’. Records must be kept of all thorough examinations and any defects found must be reported to both the person responsible for the equipment and the relevant enforcing authority.
PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998)These Regulations place duties on people and companies who own, operate or have control over work equipment. PUWER also places responsibilities on businesses and organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by them or not.
PUWER requires that equipment provided for use at work is:- suitable for the intended use
- safe for use, maintained in a safe
- condition and inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate
- used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction and training