Manchester – recommendation

funeral fridge

We were approached by our new customer having been recommended to them by a fellow funeral director after they were not happy with the quality of fridges and equipment by their previous suppliers.

An initial quote was supplied and the customer quickly accepted and we arranged a site survey and meeting. I soon could appreciate the customers frustrations and reassured them that they would be delighted with our quality with warranty of up to 5 years!

Many of the middlemen distributors and suppliers that disguise themselves as mortuary equipment specialists cut corners to compete with the likes of us as a manufacturer. In this instance such a supplier previously supplied a floorless fridge, while it saves costs initially it ultimately costs customers more to run. Next they were also supplied a sluice which was practically useless, we see this time and time again, the sluice dribbles water when flushed (not higher pressure flush like ours) and the customer told us they have to fill a bucket of water to flush fluids and chemicals away. The second problem is that the suppliers waste system uses the same waste connection for sink and sluice, thus reducing a 110mm soil waste immediately into a small 38mm waste and results in regular blockages – we have been advised of this problem by several others that have been unfortunate to buy them!

Here we replaced a 1 door fridge to our 3 door fridge (2bay semi obese 1 bay obese) raised on a steel plinth to increase tier heights. Door protection plates, large A3 sized wipeable name boards with magnetic whiteboard pens (we think of it as a nice touch). We supplied the client with our double embalming sink with high powered flush sluice and our stainless steel combination trolley with weighing device. This trolley combines both as stacking trolley but also embalming table by tilting the fridge trays with drains over the foul sink.


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