National client Peterborough branch

inside mortuary fridge

A nice simple install in Peterborough! Additional fridge capacity for increased demands!

Our client a nationwide funeral director choses Mortuary Solutions time after time!

Their senior property surveyor often advises we are generally 12-20% cheaper than another supplier despite our products and service being FAR SUPERIOR! On top of that we are great to deal with and installs are hassle free, unlike our competitor that can be a headache! They as with similar other middlemen, are not specialist and with that come issues: They don’t have the same level of expertise and experience, installs can come with multiple deliveries, from many sources to meet a subcontractor installer, it can be pot luck who you end up with based on where you are in the country with some subcontractors having little or no mortuary experience! If components don’t arrive or there are issues you risk long delays if if the subcontractor cannot immediately come back days/weeks later if committed to their other workloads!

We supply our clients with CAD drawings, to ensure it will work! Including front elevations detailing tier heights, the alternative supplier often gets the simple tier heights wrong being extremely shallow and unworkable, why should funeral directors have to compromise, or worse still, occasionally it means the loss of a space in the capacity! Trust us, we’ve followed some of their work and seen first hand as well as hear of instances!

Don’t chance it with others, come to Mortuary Solutions the mortuary equipment specialists in DESIGN, MANUFACTURE & INSTALL.



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