NHS hospital racking

body racking

A truly bespoke racking made for this NHS hospital cold room.

Open modular and space saving racking to fit this limited footprint.

The hospital needed to keep a high 20 capacity racking in this space and keep the tier heights down to work with the trolley ranges. Here we used reinforced 30 x 60mm steel tube as opposed to the old competitors racking made from weaker 20x40mm tube.

Our rollers are full width across each bay making loading easier especially if you wish to load a wider tray/coffin over 2 spaces.

Ours has a gentle decline and rear stop bars (uprights) means we do not read to rely on fiddly tray retaining pins.

Our TEXTURED powder coat paint is more durable than matt/gloss and our colour helps the racking to look in better condition than white that can look old after a relatively short period.


All designed in CAD and supplied to the client for sign off.


New                  vs               Old

body racking                   A R Twigg racking

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