Northampton Specialist Mosque funeral body fridge

The fridge installed for a Mosque in Northampton required dignity and discretion of individual doors for each tier space.

We surveyed the small room and produced plans to help the committee understand design, layout and to help visualise the space. We even helped in our design to show the client to open the space needed with suggested plumbing areas for the sink to be positioned, in addition a guide for the builder to position a stud wall, free of charge as part of our service.

Here is our 3 tier hatch door fridge in Semi obese with remote cooling plant. We are also able to add concealment panels between door fridges on multi bays and even panels above and below each space, truly making each tier totally confined and dignified.

Supplied with stacking trolley for handling the deceased, we also provided as wash table for the ritual washing and preparation of the deceased in line with religious ceremony.


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